Anti Discrimination
The business operations of Liberty Bishop International Ltd (Hereafter: "LBI") aims to give jobseekers a fair chance of finding work, regardless of their age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, life, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin or nationality.
Jobseekers are treated equally in recruitment and selection because they are only assessed on criteria that are job-related.
The purpose of this policy is to be clear and transparent to employees and third parties about:
- What LBI understands by discrimination / discriminatory requests;
- What is the position of LBI towards discrimination / discriminatory requests;
- Actions by the employees (both internal and supplied temporary workers):
a. What is expected of the employees how they act during their work, in particular with the work (to support the business activities) related to recruitment and selection;
b. Where the employee can go for consultation and/or a report; - Responsibilities of the employer.
Definition of discrimination
Discrimination is understood to mean: making a direct and indirect distinction between persons on the basis of age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, life, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin or nationality. Discrimination is also explicitly understood to mean responding to requests from clients to make a distinction between people in recruitment and selection on the basis of criteria that are not necessary or relevant for the proper fulfilment of the position.
Your personal data will not be held for longer than necessary for the purpose(s) it was collected, unless it is required to meet our legal obligations, or to protect the vital interests of you or another person.
Position of Liberty Bishop International
a. LBI rejects any form of discrimination.
b. Requests from clients to take certain criteria into account in recruitment and selection will only be honoured if there is objective justification.
There is an objective justification if selecting on the requested criteria:
- Serves a legitimate purpose. This means that there is a good job-related reason to select the relevant criteria when recruiting and selecting (an example of a legitimate goal is safety);
- Results in the achievement of the legitimate goal, the means is suitable for achieving the goal;
- In reasonable proportion to the goal, there is proportionality with regard to the goal;
- Is necessary because there is no other, less discriminating way to achieve the goal, the necessity criterion is met.
c. LBI does not tolerate employees being discriminated against by third parties. Employees are also understood here to mean employees who perform work under the direction and supervision of a hirer.
Actions by the employees
a. Employees have their own responsibility to be alert to requests from clients of a discriminatory nature, to recognize such requests and to ensure that no cooperation is given.
b. If the employee has doubts about whether or not there is an objective justification for a request from a client to take certain criteria into account during recruitment and selection, or has questions about how to handle a request, the employee can go for consultation to Mr. L.Cullen.
c. If the employee identifies discrimination and wants to raise it, wants to report abuse or misconduct and/or has a trust issue, the employee can contact Mr. L. Cullen. If this does not lead to a satisfactory result for the employee, the employee can turn to Mr. P Mardel.
Responsibilities of the employer
LBI is responsbile for;
a. Creating a safe working environment where people treat each other with respect, there is room for constructive consultation and undesirable behavior in any form whatsoever is prevented and tackled;
b. The recognisability and implementation of this anti-discrimination policy. This includes ensuring that employees:
- be informed about and familiar with the policy. The policy is discussed with every employee (internal to LBI) and the employee signs an agreement to be familiar with and comply with this policy. This policy is also part of the work process;
- have been properly instructed on how to recognise discrimination and discriminatory requests. Instructions are given by Mr. L. Cullen, at the start of employment, on how LBI deals with this and how to recognise it;
- be prepared for the situation that which they are confronted with a discriminatory request and know how to conduct and reverse the conversation with clients. This is achieved by providing guidance and the option of putting this situation to the team manager, should the employee not be able to resolve it himself.
c. The evaluation and adjustment of this policy.
Policy agreed and drawn up in Hitchin, United Kingdom.
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Liberty Bishop International Ltd, 7b Portmill House, Portmill Lane, Hitchin, SG5 1DJ
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"The team are cheery, friendly and extremely knowledgeable in helping our contractors through the process."
"My payroll Manager has provided an excellent level of support and advice in regards to information on payment dates, alerting to changes in tax status and also assisting with taking on extra work along with the invoicing of that work. Always providing a response in a timely manner. This level of service makes me happy to continue working with Liberty Bishop. "
"As someone who is new to contracting, I was not sure of the process of getting paid. The Welcome Team explained the process clearly to me and arranged for my first pay run to be sped up. Very fast response to a couple of other queries, which were quickly resolved. Excellent service. "
"The team has looked after me so well this year. I had an issue with a payment one month and everyone went out of their way to help me and resolve it. They are all a credit to Liberty Bishop."